1.            The gender of nouns.

2.            The Plural form of nouns. The Stress of nouns.

3.            The Personal pronouns (Nominative).

4.            The Possesive pronouns (Nominative).

5.            The Prepositional case of nouns denoting the place (Singular).Ãäå? - Where?

6.            The Genetive case denoting place of starting motion (Singular). Îòêóäà? - Whrere from?

7.            The Accusative case of nouns denoting direction (Singular). Êóäà? - Where to?

8.            The Accusative case of nouns denoting direct object (Singular).

9.            The stem of adjectives.

10.        The Gender of adjectives.

11.        The Plural form of adjectives.

12.        The Accusative case of adjectives (Singular).

13.        The Prepositional case of adjectives (Singular).

14.        The Genetive case of adjectives (Singular).

15.        Personal pronouns in the Accusative case.

16.        The Cardinal numerals (1-20).

17.        The Ordinal numerals (1-20).

18.        Cases of Ordinal numerals.

19.        The Present Tense of the verbs. The verbs of the 1st and 2nd Conjugatoin.

20.        The Past Tense of the verbs.

21.        The verb ÕÎÒÅÒÜ / TO WANT

22.        The verb ÅÑÒÜ/ TO EAT